
Would You Like to Come for Dinner - Keeping up the (non) Tradition

       The primary had their program yesterday and only one practice.   I didn't understand as it feels so late in the year.   I don't recall there being a primary program this late in the year - not with any of the wards I've been in - including this one.   Last year we had more practice and performed on October 18.          This is the first year that Jenna wasn't on the stage as she is no longer in primary.   But as I looked out in the audience, I could see her singing along, and it really made me smile.   I'd have to honestly say that it was my favorite part about having the primary program.   I think the children did quite well for only one practice.        Growing up, my favorite thing about Thanksgiving was spending it with a different group of people than the year prior as I mentioned here .  The smallest Thanksgivings I can remember incl...

Jenna takes a stand

I realize my mind seems to be going in several directions . . . I still have my two classes to focus on, but did want to express how pleased I am with Jenna           The Douglas County libraries have run out of funding (or soon will be) and had proposed a 44cent per day tax increase to all property owners.   The proposal made it to the ballot that was mailed just before the election.   Unfortunately, the bill did not pass and the libraries will be gone.           Myrtle Creek had invested in a drop box that was put in just before the election.   I suppose it will be possible to salvage some libraries that may run independently as city libraries - but it sounds as if most libraries will close down.   Two had already opted out before the election.   We do not know what's to become of the rest.           The bu...

Now I forget which class I'm in

          For the last four weeks I have taken an accountant class - by itself - no other classes.  It was different.  Thus far it is the only set of four weeks that I have had only one class.           This week I started two more classes - both credited.  I think I will enjoy my history but still have this lame attitude toward management and how I cringe at the very idea.  Right now I am taking a break before I return to more reading and research and explanation.           This week we are discussing sole proprietorship, partnerships, LLC's and non-profit organizations.  Hey, thank you for throwing in the non-profit.  At least I can relate to the idea of charitable donations and financial  struggles and dependency.  Still, my passion lies more with the volunteers and managing time and tangible goods ra...

Finding Gratitude

I did not watch the voting reports on November 8.   I was at a Relief Society activity sharing my life story – making a plug for gratitude, because even when circumstances seem to be at their darkest, there is still a glimmer of light.   We need to focus on the light and good things that were dished out along with the bad such as mentioned in this post         I had invited other sisters to share their stories also.           A few shared experiences related to failed health and how other family members were affected and the pluses that continue still.   One sister shared her testimony on faith and gratitude about contributing to the building fund raiser (back in the day when members were required to help raise monies to build temples and ward houses and such) She baked bread and collected Susan B. Anthonys.   It was really quite touching how she described how the money was rai...

Missionary Highlights: Roanoke

        I finished out my mission in Roanoke.    I started out with my youngest companion Sister J.   She did everything Pres. P. asked or told her to do.   She was on a mission to convert the world - preferably by herself so that she could get the credit. She was short and adorable and many of the elders lusted after her - which I guess is not so cool.         She would make thought cards - by herself.   I didn't mind assisting, but I thought it would be more convenient to do them in an assembly line type manner - instead of both reaching for the same markers or colored pencils or what have you.   We actually got along okay, but didn't really seem to work as a team.           We would visit hospitals in the area and put in volunteer hours at the Ronald McDonald House.   We visited with members and formed a street directory ...

Missionary Highlights: VA Beach, Martinsville

        My next area was Virginal Beach.   I was there for two months and had served with two different companions.   Sister P. and Sister U. - but not a t the same time. I was supposedly the senior companion to each of them.         More government and military personal.   Several navy widows.   Several missing priesthood members.                   Sister P. knew the area.   She knew the members.   She was very positive and very giving.   She was my tallest companion.   Sadly, I don't remember any specifics about our being together.         Sister U. was something else.   Aside from her trainer, I don't think she ever served with another sister for more than a month - often less.         Whenever there had bee...

Missionary Highlights: Woodbridge

      Before I had gone into the mission field, Sister F. had trained Sister H, who left for her second area just before I arrived.                    Several members from my first area had some parting gifts.  Kelly Hanbriggs had some animal slippers that she wore and had given an identical pair to Sister F when she left.  They packed two pairs for me - one to keep and one to give to Sister H - who became my next companion.       My second area, Sister H's third.  The Elders had lived there prior, but it was decided to put sisters in the area.  Washington D.C. was only 24 miles outside of Woodbridge and many ward members of that area worked for the government.                   It turned out to be a tourist trap...