
Dash TV#3 States I've been to: A-C

What States Have You Visited? Of the fifty states it looks like I’ve been to (or through) almost half.   Some I have already posted about.   Most haven’t been mentioned.   So here goes (alphabetically speaking) Alaska         I had gone on a cruise with my mom and grandma.   I created six posts starting with this on e. Arizona      My first encounter with the state was Grand Canyon which I had gone to first with my immediately family and later on (several years later; I believe Corey was either on his mission or going to school) all of the girls had gone to the North Rim.  It hadn’t even been our destination.  Mom wanted to take Grandma Mary somewhere and that is where we ended up. North Rim Grand Canyon about 1995 I have also been to Phoenix, Mesa, Flagstaff and Tucson (to name a few).   I had taken Corey to Phoenix with me when one of my former missionary companions...

Word and Dash posts in pocket

          Roland has started his “vacation”.   Initially had wanted to go somewhere – first Disneyland – though I would rather go in October.   He then decided that perhaps we could just do a bunch of day trips  and see a play in Eugene or Portland.   I told him I’d rather not spend the money right now – not with all the credit we still have yet to pay off.   So he’s taking a “ stay-cation ”   in which he will be working harder (labor) than he does at his job (quality insurance) fixing up the yard and whatever household projects need attention.           I’m predicting that Roland’s stay-cation  will be labor for me and Jenna also.   He usually asks for us to help him right when the sun is blazing overhead.   He already feels neglected that I would rather be on the computer corresponding, organizing files, looking up information or whatever it is...

Ground Squirrels and Airplanes

            The church has a pear orchard in Medford, Oregon.   Each year the church donates the pears to the food bank and those on welfare (see here )   The Roseburg stake (church boundary that I belong to) has asked its members to pick pears at least once a year.   Our assigned day is usually the third Saturday in August.   This is the fifth year that we (our family) have gone to pick pears for a service project.             Each year we have tried to stay for more than a couple of hours.   Each year our health has prevented either Roland or I from wanting to continue.   The last two years were so filled with smoke, it was hard to breathe.   Last year I had filled my bag only half way before I’d make the long trek to the pear bin.    I used to be in better shape.   I vaguely remember telling a couple that ...

Water Fitness

        The largest sized classes  take place in July.   By mid-August the number dwindles as there are several who are instructors and have already started their         “back to school”. There were only six of us in the pool yesterday.             Usually toward the end of class children will start staggering in for their swim lessons which follow our water fitness class.             There was no staggering and I wondered if maybe they had discontinued with the lessons as several life guards may be returning to school as well.           Then they came.   A heard of children entered just as our class was coming to an end. I guess that means summer is            coming to an end as well. I'...

Dash #48 Wise Motto

I don’t know that it’s my motto or creed.    I do have a stone tile over the fireplace  that has the verse from Jacob 6:12 Good Motto

The Power of YET

           I like having people look me in the eye when we’re talking.   It annoys me when the person I’m talking to seems more focused on a toy, tablet, or another device.   For years I just thought of it as rude.   Yet over the years, I have learned that some people pay better attention when they seem focused on whatever they may have in their hands.             Jenna is one of those people who pay better attention when it appears that she doesn't seem to be focused at all.   She gets annoyed with people who don’t realize that she’s paying attention when she is.   I have already created a post about her ability to talk and listen at the same time.   It boggles my mind that she is able to do that.             Nobody ever learns at the same level – though it didn’t seem so obvious when I was a youth as it does now. ...

Heavy Clouds

It’s Saturday My plans were to sleep in But the skies sent a pouring rain POURING Between 3:30 and 4:00 and Again at 5:00 I wasn’t ready to get up Perhaps I will return to Slumberland Sometime later today.