
Savanger Hunt - Any Body of Water

I am sharing these pictures in three different posts.  The majority were taken on Tuesday, April 20th.   This came to us in the mail We started our Scavenger by driving to Horse Creek to take pictures.  I took these first three: Both were taken from the left side of Horse Creek bridge. I couldn't decide between the top two but submitted the first.   Taken from the right side Jenna decided on a different approach and took this photo below from underneath the bridge She also took one of the South Umpqua River, but the 106 bridge blocks the gorgeous view.  I would have just stopped for us to get out, but did not know where to park. Over the years we have both taken several pictures of both Horse Creek and South Umpqua including these five photos from this very long post.  The river above runs adjacent to Highway 105. Horse Creek runs along Millsite park.

More Staycation – More Excitement

Day 3          Since it has been light enough to drive Jenna to seminary in the morning, I have been taking her in while Roland sleeps.  He gets the honor of picking her up as the sun is glaring so loudly that I am not comfortable with it.  Happy Doughnuts offers specials each day: Maple Bar Monday, Twists on Tuesday and so forth. Wednesday's specialty is biscuits and gravy for a dollar.  Thus after we picked Jenna up from seminary we went to Happy Doughnuts to get biscuits and gravy for Roland and me and a bacon maple bar for Jenna.           Roland and I left the house again just before 9:00.  We drove to Canyonville to get our second shot.   Unlike the first shot where we had to get out and go inside, we stayed in the car while they came out to us to get our ID and give us our shots.   So we are now good to go.             Since we were alrea...

Photos Taken Yesterday Morning

  The sunrise was gorgeous!  Great way to welcome Earth Day. We did not plant a tree.  We planted onions and peppers.  I did not take any pictures.  I am too exhausted to write the details.

Every Day is Saturday: Days Two and Three

               Cow Creek was given a huge amount of vaccines for their tribes and those working at Seven Feathers.   By the first week of March it was announced that any friends or family of those employed at Seven Feathers.   The announcement said that candidates had to be at least 65 years of age.   But when we called to get Roland set up, it was learned that I could be vaccinated also. Roland and I received our first shot on March 16.   We were given cards which provided a date indicating when we would be available for our second shot on April 13.   We hadn’t heard from the clinic and so went down to see if we could get in.   That’s when we learned that April 13 was not the accurate next shot date but the date of eligibility.   We still had to set up an appointment. The soonest we could get in was yesterday. Now just to backtrack a bit.   If you are a faithful reader you will remember we spent Roland’...

Drunk With Power

               On Monday night Roland and I watched 911.   One of the stories focused on a mother who’d been drinking while driving.   Due to her poor decision to find the bottle (or flask) more of a priority than any other human beings -  including her own child. Because he is a scared-out-of-his-mind passenger not able to communicate with his mom, he calls 911.   By the time the emergency crews arrive on the scene there is a horrific accident involving 10 – 20 cars – all because she had been disoriented behind the wheel.              Toward the end of the show, Bobby, who is a main character in the show, goes to an AA support group and talks about how so many people think they can handle the situation of drinking and staying sober – not at all rational about what their decisions may cost others.   While he was giving his speech I thought about the mandating on mask wearing and the decis...

Perspectives on Craters of the Moon

Image of-the-moon-should-be-a-national-park/article_084c0496-ad13-53c9-99f0-75e374fb6af5.html              I was on my mission the first time my family visited Craters of the Moon in Arco, Idaho.   I had only heard about it – but not in full detail as I learned the second time my family had gone – just to make sure I had the opportunity. Patrick was with the family the first time but had managed to miss out the second time.   I still did not experience the fullness that the family had endured the first time around. They told me that everything looks the same.  The picture above, the picture below, whatever is behind it - it looks the same.  The scenery does not change.             Jenna had reminded me of this as she was asking about church policies and state policies on precautions with COV...

Pandemic Continues Alongside Global Warming

              Randy really wants us to come to St. George – like now – which would be fine but the pandemic is far from over.   Almost half of all adults have received a vaccination shot – but there are still a high percentage that refuse.   They are too macho.   They are too proud.   They are determined NOT to let the government control them.   The same people who refuse to get flu shots or wear seat belts or have convinced themselves they are immune to any other law. So I read this article from Yahoo.   I hope that Oregon continues with its restrictions and those that think we ought to reopen can go spend their summer in Florida and see how well that works out for them.   International Travel is still a rare occurrence.   Other countries don’t wish to let Americans in.   I don’t blame them.   Americans are spoiled and have attitude.   The entire world belongs to them a...