
Game Night to end 2021

 We had a game night with a two couples we have played with before.  We introduced them to “Virus” which tends to go faster when only two or three are playing as opposed to seven.  There were some who got bored with the game and started using vaccination cards to assist other players who looked close to winning.  The one who finally won is the one who had come close to winning two times prior.  I’m glad he won.               We played a second game called Five Crowns.                 That turned out to be a long game too.  Roland has decided that we should order it for us – probably because he won the game without even trying.               I LOVE playing games!   Well, many games.   Rummykub which we have all played before.   Roland didn’t want to overstay our welcome an...

I Write For Me

             So often I will write down my thoughts as I ponder over the scriptures.   I write them down in hopes I will remember.   Sloppy cursive that I can’t always read.   I certainly don’t expect anybody else will.             Sometimes I jot down ideas when the computer isn’t available.   I plan to transfer my thoughts into something legible.   I still have many ideas stored in a folder for blogging reference.   Most of the time it gets ignored or else I move on from whatever thought I had.           December 17 for instance.   I had looked up articles featuring Tik Tok and the disturbances it can cause.   It’s said that a fourteen-year-old was arrested for his part in upsetting the school systems and law enforcement who assisted with the safety of the students throughout the nation.   Two weeks later I s...

Church is Cancelled Today

 Our bishop and second counselor are out of town.  The first counselor lives over an hour away - on good days.  Today would put him anywhere between 2 or 3 hours at best.  His house is probably buried beneath the snow along with any path that might lead to the off off grid property. Here's how it looks in my neck of the woods - which really is a storm by western Oregon standards but seems an average day to someone born and raised in the Salt Lake area:

Christmas 2021

                We had signed up to feed the missionaries at 4:00.  We watched “An American Christmas Carol” and Jenna and I took Bonnie for a walk.  I think we talked with all three boys before Roland started dinner.           Jenna says it’s tradition that we always have a breakfast meal for our Christmas Eve dinner.   So guess what the elders got? It wasn’t the traditional breakfast that we normally have.   Roland started cooking the meal just after 3:00.   Our meal consisted of steak, eggs, cornbread and hash browns with bacon. Three elders arrived shortly before 4:00.   We put Bonnie in my room and fed the elders in the back room where we have the tree. Jenna does not like steak and could have made a meal out of corn bread alone. I think she had at least four pieces. After the elders left we watched “Encanto” – well, Jenna did.   Roland and I watched part of...

The Yellow Ring

           I’ve written at least two posts regarding Alexa echo.   One mentions how we’ve separated the two by referring to them as Emily and Stacy ( here ) and the  first post about the two colored rings that appear when voice activated. But there is a also a third color which appears by itself on occasion.   That circle is yellow in color and will provide notifications at random.   The last six were in reference to the weather as a storm is in the midst and has been for the last couple of weeks – though we haven’t seen the storm.        Currently it is pouring – HARD - hard like the first rain we had encountered at Newport April 2015 ( here ).  I tried taking Bonnie for a walk.  I was okay with the rain falling down, but she was not.  Needless to say our walk was the shortest walk yet – perhaps the length of ten houses and back. I like the sound of rain.  I like the green grass.  I don’t s...

Decoration Pics

           We had put our decorations up a couple of weeks ago.  It took us three days, I think, as we had a small electrical problem.  Just before we finished, the guy across the street brought out his lights and stapled them to his house and wrapped around the small trees in front.  I think he was done within 30 minutes.  His lights were on the night he decorated.  I haven ’ t seen them on since then.              Small electrical problem.  Taking apart.  Trying to find problem.  And replacing one switch with another – which was nice.           The black indicates where the back porch light was. But as we no longer have a back porch, the switch didn ’ t work anything.  I like it not being there as I was always pressing it and of course nothing happened             Jenna and I decided ...

Just Over Half

Probably not worth the wait.   Allow me to elaborate some of them:   1        still married 2       never 16      Been near the Atlantic but did not swim in it – I did dip my toes in it though – VA Beach 19      I am not certain.   I’m thinking in Hawaii seeing the Kennedy profile? but I could be wrong.   You would think I would remember 20      covered in 5 posts starting here    26      Jenna and I pass the time doing karaoke with each other – especially at the beginning of the pandemic. 27      not even a full minute interview on the news feeding less fortunate on Thanksgiving.   The media had misspelled my name.   Not a big deal. 28      Currently I have four granddaughters, two grandsons and another on her/his way 29      Here ...