Loving My “Christ Centered Christmas” Book

A few years before I met Roland,  I had gone into a Deseret Book Store in search of something.  Sharon Velluto was doing a book signing on her new book, “A Christ Centered Christmas” 

          I remember picking up a book and thumbing through it.  It looked interesting.  It was on sale as I recall.  I took it home and started reading it.

“How to Use this Book” – the very first words on the very first page.  “This book has been designed to satisfy the needs of all families {bold italics added} from those with small children to those whose children are grown, as well as singles and seniors . 
. . 
          How many times have I heard or read that . . . “and to all of those that are single, we love you as well” (though you are really not our main focus – we don’t want to exclude you – but these words will not be at all helpful to your current situation

          But it does!  Her book is seriously designed with everyone in mind.

          There are 24 devotionals that are designed to be as long or as short to cater to each individual or family needs and times.  I was so super impressed that the single person was not just mentioned – but embraced as well. 

          There are basically four sections – Devotionals, Optional Materials.  Cards and Activities, and Ornaments.

Illustated icons give the outline or theme on each devotional page


       In a nutshell: the jest of the 
       devotional outline

         The lesson

        Activity ideas (outlined in the 
        first section – detailed in the 
        activity section)

              Suggested song and scripture

              Stories are found in 
              optional materials

          I really like having an outline and being able to pull other resources that are available.  Not all the stories from the manual are among my favorites – but I especially enjoy the outlines and the activity suggestions.

          It’s NOT just a Christmas manual.  It’s a family home evening manual and resource manual to be enjoyed throughout the year – not just on Christmas!  It is such an awesome creation.  I actually ended up purchasing one for my sister-in-law for her birthday.  I don’t know if she’s used it near as much as I have.  My manual has actually taken some beatings during its life.

          I printed up the star ornament for the children in my primary class and we made them to go with our lesson.  But for the most part I really hadn’t done much with them until last year.  Jenna found excitement in creating a new ornament each day.  They continue to hang on our tree this year.

I have since adapted guidelines and themes for my own book with 24 sections and covers – instead of the four sections offered in “A Christ Centered Christmas” . I have my favorite stories and traditions and wanted to incorporate color and jacket protectors that can easily be removed or added to. And personalize it for me and my family. 


  1. Thanks for your kind words. I found your blog by "coincidence". You made my day. Have a Merry CHRIST CENTERED CHRISTMAS!
    Sharon Velluto


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