A Severe Case of Wanderlust

          I have such a major bad case of wanderlust right now – no money, no destination and germs.  Highness wanted to go for a walk this morning.  But it’s still cold outside.  Wasn’t in the mood.

          I would have driven directly to mom’s house after having dropped off the kids – but she’s not there.  It’s not even her house anymore.  It’s none of ours.  It’s going up for sale.  The very idea depresses me.

          I could drive to the assisted living – except they’ll be eating.  There’s not a place for me to sit and visit while the residents are being fed.  Besides, I still have this cough.  I should not be around the elderly.

          I thought about driving to Welfare Square to assist at the cannery.  The shift has already started but perhaps they’ll have room for me still.  But I let out another cough.  Probably shouldn’t be around food.

          My ear is still plugged and I decided that I probably should just go home.  So here I am.  I’ll probably go to bed and continue sleeping it off.  Perhaps I can visualize some exotic site that I can claim I’ve actually been to in real life.

          Tomorrow is Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  It’s weird that I can’t seem to find any activities for it tomorrow.  Not at the libraries anyway.  Why is that?

          I wish the germs had wanderlust and would leave my family.  Maybe they could go bug some terrorists or somewhere along that line.  Just leave me alone already.  Let me experience the human race again.


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