Christmas was great!

            The thing that I have been most grateful for this Christmas season has been Jenna's positive attitude - despite the way we both felt, despite having family so far away, she made the best of it.  She has been amazing!  I wish I had drummed up the same enthusiasm.  I did things with her just so her flame wouldn't die, but I really didn't do it with the same amount of energy; I wasn't even able to fake it.

            For example, she wanted to deliver cookies to the neighbors on Christmas Eve.  I would have liked it better if Roland had gone with her.  But even he seemed quite uptight for Roland - I suppose because his two girls were sick and perhaps he felt helpless.  He watched a lot of TV by himself.

            Anyway, I had gone with her, but lost my breath.  When we returned to the house, I went into the bathroom and spent an hour on the floor crying.  Jenna dismissed herself to go to bed at 8:00. Roland and I put the rest of the gifts out and filled the stockings before 9:00 pm.  I don't recall ever having put out gifts that early before.


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