Ladybugs and Cupcakes
"Some cultures believe the ladybug is a symbol of good luck. Having a ladybug land on you can be a magical moment. White other insects may pose as a threat to humans, animals and crops alike, ladybugs are harmless and even better: they're beneficial. That is why so many cultures over the centuries have cherished ladybugs, believing them to bring good luck. They are good luck to farmers" (Why Are Ladybugs Considered Good Luck?, 2016)"
My mom and dad had purchased ornaments for their children for each year probably until dad's passing. I still have many of the ornaments that had been given to me though there had been some that did not make it to my 18th birthday. Adding new ornaments to the tree was a tradition that I had wanted to start with my own family. For various reasons I hadn't incorporated the tradition until 2013, the first year that each of my boys had a wife. The first ornament that we purchased were 10 ladybugs.
But I wanted our ornaments to have meaning and so researched a meaningful reason for having ladybugs for our tree. I found some reasons and wrote them down to pass onto my children along with the ornament. The following year we each got cupcakes. If I had thought about it, I would have told them that the cupcake symbolizes what one might get at a birthday party and as we look at the cupcake we should think of our Savior whose birthday we celebrate.
That was our last year in Utah. It was the last year that each member of our family got his or her own ornament. The last two years we have been in Oregon and have sent one ornament per family instead of one per individual. See here.
Why Are Ladybugs Considered Good Luck? (2016). Retrieved from Pets on Mom me:
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