Please Don't Buy Me a Tablet

          Roland asked me what I thought about getting a tablet for Jenna for Christmas.
          "Do you not even know your child at all?" I wanted to scream at him.  Even if we could afford it, giving a tablet to Jenna would be offensive.  She would interpret the gift to mean: "We don't have time for you.  Here's an electronic device to tie you over" though I'm certain the tables have been turned for some parents.

          Jenna and I would like to get rid of the TV.  We watch it because it's there, but she would be a zillion times happier if it wasn't there.  And actually, it's not even on that much.  When Roland gets off work, he likes to relax in front of the boob tube - even if it means vegetating in front of a program that doesn't offer material worth watching for either me or Jenna.  And I'm okay if Roland wants to watch the tube by himself.  But why do I have to be there?  What a waste of time.

          Jenna and I had already discussed the matter, but when a gift card came our way, Roland brought it up again.  Instead of being subtle with Jenna, I was more direct by flat out saying what the conversation had been.  With tears in her eyes she begged, "I don't want you guys to get me a tablet"

          "Hey!  There is no 'you guys' here.  It's just dad.  I don't want to get you a tablet.  If you ever do get a tablet, keep in mind that it will be from him.  JUST him.  I will never sign a gift tag for a tablet.  Make sure you understand that."

          She wrote the following letter to Santa:

Dear Santa,

          For Christmas I would like for my parents to get rid of the TV.  We would be able to save money and mom and dad can spend more time with me.  I would also like the libraries not to close.  It would benefit lots of people.  And another thing is I want more people to believe in you.  I also want to see my brothers.  Okay.  That's all  Hope you have a good Christmas.

                   - [Jenna]


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