
            Next week the class is expected to answer 3-5 interview questions for our discussion post.  We have been given 20 to choose from.  Each seems to have the ability to become a "dash" question. Again, the topic of "dream job" and "where do you see yourself . . ."

            Okay, let me get one thing clear.  I think the term "dream job" is an oxymoron.  Here is why:  The word "job" does not necessarily represent pleasure though "dream" indicates something that would be favored.  A job for many is a menial task involving a paycheck.  They go to work to collect earnings in order to make ends meet.  Some people genuinely do love their jobs.  Others struggle with their day to day efforts of being employed.  A job can be gratifying but not always.  I think a job is very different from a career.

            A career is a choice of occupation and having opportunities to advance.  This also comes with a paycheck, but a good employee will be focused more on the outcome and accomplishments rather than just the paycheck itself.  A dream for me would be to have coworkers that I look forward to seeing each day, to strive for and achieve the same goals.  A dream would be to better ourselves and those around us - whether it be in the community, a specific organization (such as a school) or the environment.  I am much more interested in creating a positiveness among others than just working for a check.  My "dream job" would be looking forward to going to work each day.  The paycheck would just be a bonus.

           I also like the idea of a job career landing in one's lap as the two examples I mention in this post. To have a job created when you hadn't even thought to dream it, well that would be a dream come true.  And as I mentioned in this post sometimes we have to go off course to make dreams happen.

            I have three more weeks of my two current classes and one more week of my assignment as a substitute aide with the school district.  I don't know how those going to school full time in addition to a full time job are able to do it.  I will have a dash post for Monday but may not be able to post again until Friday.  We shall see.


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