Hey, You Have Your Own Computer . . . Get Off Mine!

          I added the death date of Roland’s sister to ancestry.  Shortly after I noticed there were new leave hints and clicked.  It had the marriage of somebody that may or may not be his sister.  The dates looked correct but the middle initial was not the same and I don’t believe her husband’s name was her married name.  I ignored it but showed it to Roland yesterday.  Oh, my word.  I opened an entire can of worms that I surely hadn’t expected.          
             Roland was behind me saying, “Click on this.” “Click on that.”  Really?  You’ve got your own computer, Pal.  I don’t even know how to get into his account where he has every family lumped into one.  I personally have separated his family from my own.  I have a hard time knowing if the hints on my line match those in my family line – and many of the names in my line are not the most common of names.  His family line, on the other hand, has common names.  I don’t know if they’re related or not.  
             I was journaling my work status of the last two weeks – or trying to.  I have been so tired and unfocused or else I get interrupted.  Yesterday Roland wanted me to watch “Glass” with him – which I must say looked better than the prequel I had sat through and will never get those hours back in my life.  I was not interested in watching “Glass” even if I hadn’t had at least eight other projects that would have been far more productive.

         I was finally on my last page of catching up when Roland asked if I would go to facebook to look at his post right now as he was apparently seeking validation.  That’s when I asked about his sister.  He wanted me to add her picture to the profile and had me add others as well.  He got interested in doing family history again – but on my computer.  After I left my chair to fold clothes, he moved over and looked at hints and translated the Spanish words into English – another thing that trips me.  Family History.  It doesn’t excite me really.


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