Dash #44 Three Values
There are definitely many values that our parents instilled in us, but the three I would pick to answer this question would be prayer, family and service.
From an early age, we learned that we could communicate to our Heavenly Father through prayer. We were taught not only to ask for things but to thank God as well for the many blessings that we had. And there truly were many. Mom and dad were able to help us understand what the blessings were. Especially dad. He had tremendous faith and find the blessings where we could not such as in car failure or his swelled foot (here)and in his final years could see the blessings with his deteriorating health.
I remember on several occasions seeing my dad kneeling in front of the green chair which I dubbed “the prayer chair”. After mom passed, the green chair went to live in Kayla’s home and remained there until recently from what I understand.
Each of us was important and our parents made certain that we knew we added value. It was important for us to respect one another and treat each other kindly. They did not show favoritism. They taught us to work together and took an interest in everything we did. They would support our dreams and include us with big decisions – like where to go and what to do on vacation or the décor of the newly finished basement. I don’t know that I appreciated that so much at the time, but I certainly do right now. I wish I had been able to pass that on to Jenna’s brothers.
To the best of my knowledge, neither of my parents ever turned down a church calling. Both were diligent in their callings – even when they were discouraged or really did not care for the calling. For example, my mom taught a primary class in which one youth, in particular, would act up and had made her calling difficult. She had made an appointment with the bishop to ask if she could be released. Another child in her class had called my mom from another state (back in the days before cell phones, and often calling another county was long distance, let alone another state) to thank my mom for a lesson she had learned. It convinced my mom to stay with her calling despite the temperamental youth.
Mom cared for dad’s family as they became her own (here). Both of my parents served others until they started losing functions in their brains. I learned a lot from each of my parents and am grateful for their examples in my life.
Mom cared for dad’s family as they became her own (here). Both of my parents served others until they started losing functions in their brains. I learned a lot from each of my parents and am grateful for their examples in my life.
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