
Showing posts from September, 2019

Dash TV #34 Old Tucson

Perhaps you will recognize some of these: 2011 2011 2011 2007

Decisions and Ripple Effects

          How many of our decisions affect others?   Choosing to have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich over tuna fish may not have any kind of a ripple effect as making a choice to drive or walk toward oncoming traffic.             Yesterday morning Balras Sing Dhillon had stopped his car just outside of Myrtle Creek.   Whether it was a conscience decision or not is unknown.   Police received a call about a vehicle stopped in the northbound left lane of the interstate approximately six in the morning and went to investigate. When they approached the vehicle, the driver took off.   The driver continued for another mile before crashing into the medium.   He must have climbed over the medium after he abandoned his car.   Was he running from the police?   Was he so disoriented that he didn’t know what he was doing?   I believe the latter as...

What is up with the lower case letter “a”?

          When we are taught to read the letters will sometimes give us problems.  Vowels don’t always make the same sound.  The pronunciation of “a’ sounds the same in words like “apple”  and  “cat” but differs when saying words like: “clay” or “talk”.  What’s even more confusing is seeing the letter “ a ” and writing it in a different way.            I don’t remember questioning that as a child, but I do as an adult. With so many fonts, the appearance of letters might appear differently from the other.   For example this font which I am currently using versus what comes up automatically in my computer .   I like this font so much better.   The “a” looks like what I’ve been taught to write, not this foreign letter that has an extra hook on top.             Who changed the font?   Who decided that...

Dash TV #33 Tucson, Arizona

           I don’t know how often the boys went to Arizona to visit Roland’s sister, Jean before I joined the family.   I know Biff had lived with her for a while – perhaps a couple of years.   He had returned to live with Roland shortly before I met them all. I remember driving to Tucson with Roland to pick the boys up three times after summer was over.   The first time we had gone all the way to Tucson to get them.   The second time we met them in Panquitch, Utah, believing it was a half-way point.   The third time was further down south at Glen Canyon Dam.    We toured the facility before we parted ways and made observations on how much both Tony and Randy had grown.             Biff asked, “What about me?   Haven’t I grown?” His hair was like a small “Sideshow Bob” afro.   He was taller due to his hair.   But once he got it cut, he’d be...