Face Rock Wayside

          It seemed to me that there were sites I had wanted to capture in photos as we were leaving Bandon to go to Coos Bay.  As they were behind me, I figured I would wait and take photos as we drove into Bandon on Sunday morning after we had checked out of our room.  However, the fog was so dense I couldn’t see whatever I thought I wanted to take pictures of.

          We arrived at Face Rock.  Roland dropped Jenna and I off at the lookout and went to find someplace to park. 

Jenna and I waited at the top.  I blindly took several pictures as I could only see my own reflection. 

notice the guardrail from very top pics

This photo was lightened

Jenna and I had not noticed the stairs that led to the beach and wondered how the people we saw had gotten there.

this is the trail we climbed down in the fog

And then we saw Roland – who had written a message in the sand – though we couldn’t see it until after we found the stairs and he showed it to us.

photo IDs Jenna's real name

So these are some of the pictures that he took:

lightened photo

Jenna, of course, wanted to explore, which was fine.  While the maze was fun to walk, it seemed more enjoyable to me just to watch the movement of others . . . from a distance.

We’ll need to return at another time when Jenna may have time to explore the caves and such.


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