Great Great Great Grandpa's Journal

          Yesterday morning I took a shower and then got dressed for church – although I knew I wouldn’t be leaving the house. I wanted our Sunday to be a lot more spiritual than it was.  Both Jenna and I had listened to different “Come Follow Me” programs – but from different rooms.  Roland was watching cowboys or some movie or something not spiritually themed.

          Roland got on Jenna’s case about something which triggered thoughts of my youth and how my mom had always been getting on Corey’s case about something – every Sunday.  I would stay in my room until if was time to go.  I hated Sundays.

          I attempted a “testimony-online” and though I had received some likes (which is truly not what I was after) only one other sister had joined me for written testimony.  Later, in the afternoon, when I had signed back into facebook, I found a post from my cousin who shared with us a journal he had found. 

          I could not read it myself.  Nevermind that my left eye had been bothering me all day (allergies) but the blurred scan was hard to read.  On top of that were a bunch of names that Jenna was not familiar with, and she is the one I gave the laptop to so that she could read as Roland and I were working on a puzzle.  She read 10 of 57 pages although struggled through and butchered most of what she read.  Roland continued with reading two more pages.

          I felt the Spirit – not so much in his words but with the fact that I knew that both of my brothers were reading the same journal at the same time that I was.  I thought that was cool and really enjoyed reading Corey’s comments because of the excitement he felt at this new discovery.


  1. It is a lovely memory to find your ancestor's journal. I have one of my grandfather's journal, where he has illustrated many places he visited on a trip. It is a lovely memory to share here. We are one of the top IAS coaching in Chennai who train UPSC aspirants.


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