Odd Week – or at least the last half . . .

            I accepted a long term position at the middle school last week.  When I arrived to the school on Monday I was given a schedule which had my name on it along side three other aides.  I was told to follow the schedule unless another aide is absent and than her schedule would be my priority rather than my own.  I’ve been there enough times to know what teachers utilize me and which ones don’t and so will use my own discretion on where I may be needed most but often will feel as useful as a tampon dispenser in a men’s room.

            The schools let out an hour earlier on Wednesdays giving time for instructors to meet together or what have you.  Those aides who are scheduled to stay after school lets out go to the detention room to provide homework support for those students who need it.  As I have mentioned in prior posts I have RS meetings on Wednesdays – or did rather. I am able to leave before school lets out in order to make my meeting.  As a result, the office manager had me come in earlier.

            I arrived before the students were dismissed from the Cafeteria to walk up hill and cross the street to the school.  When I arrived, students were walking toward the Skyhawk instead of going to the school.  I hadn’t believed that there was enough time to make the walk down there but learned that all students were being sent there as there was “a flood in the girls’ bathroom” which I guess was code for something else – though I don’t know what.  When I had seen the police officer I wondered if it was vandalism.  I don’t have my own email account for the school and so did not get all of the details about what took place.

            Many teachers stood in the cafeteria as students sat at tables or on the floor.  One teacher was on the stage lecturing the youth about the seriousness of the cornavirus and went over hygiene and the importance of washing our hands.  After about 35-40 minutes, the students were released to go to the school.   First period was pretty shot as far as time goes.  The staff added an additional ten minutes cutting the next class 10 minutes short, but 3-7 period were all the 35 minutes that occur each Wednesday.

            On Thursday a child had pulled the fire alarm just before the middle schoolers were about to dismissed for lunch.  The fire department was contacted and those persons who’d been in the elementary school and surrounding buildings could not be in the building.  Because the Skyhawk cafeteria is near the elementary school, it was closed due to a “fire drill” – thus all the students were to report to the gym before they could go to lunch.  I don’t know how long they were there.  Though the inconvenience seemed to disrupt the schedule, they made it work.  Still it felt weird.

I made this rough map to illustrate my
explanation in a letter to my son.

            This morning it was announced that today will be our last day for a while.  The state of Oregon is shutting down all schools for at least the next two weeks.  Two weeks, really?  They think all this commotion will be gone by then?  I expect it will be more than a month.  But what do I know?  

            At lunch time a few patrol cars showed up and the officers entered the field to play football with the students.  That was an awesome sight!  

             I read on my sister’s facebook page that they have shut down the libraries in Utah.  I don’t know whether they have been pulled out of school or not.  I really haven’t seen a lot of signs of panic.  I have seen more eye-rollers and skepticism.  Signs of precaution and concern. Jenna brought home a letter about the school shut-down and Roland said we need to keep it for the future of “remember this”. 

            My paycheck is usually enough to pay the mortgage – though sometimes it has been under.  I think this is one of those times that it will be way under.  Jenna’s crying.  Not only did seminary get cancelled but so did school.  Her birthday is coming up.  Some sweet sixteen celebration.  Isolation. Again, worse things happening elsewhere.  My suggestions to her are not helpful at the moment.   


  1. Schools in Utah are shutting down too for at least 2 weeks.

    1. I think the school is national now - several states have shut down church services of any denomination. I just received email from our library to stay open. We are considered a third party library and not government sponsored, so I assume we have that right. With the schools being out, I will be able to put in some volunteer time. Why not?


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