How Much Salt?
I remember my dad always salting his
food when I was younger. At times it
seemed he was over-salting.
I remember one time he had asked for
some popcorn. Patrick and I put some in
a bowl and added what we believed to be a generous amount of salt. When we went into his room to see how he
liked the popcorn, he said it could use more salt. Patrick and I both dropped our mouths in
disbelief. So his next batch got an
almost equal salt/popcorn ratio. He said
it was perfect. Are you kidding me? If I ever used salt on anything, it
definitely NEEDED it. I hate the taste
of salt.
Now that I am older –
even older than my dad – I find myself using salt more
and more as I believe all my food is bland –
and maybe it is. Or maybe my lack of
smell is finally catching up with my taste buds and I salt in order to
taste. How wicked!
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