So Much Post Info . . . So Little Time . . .

           I thought I would be able to create at least one post today, but Roland just informed me that he has the day off.  I suspect that can change as his boss is a flake. We took Jenna to the airport last night and will be returning for her on Friday.  Tomorrow’s Thanksgiving.  That makes for more wait until I am able to sort my thoughts and post something.

          On Friday, the 19th, we spent the majority of the day in Ashland.  We toured the campus at Southern Oregon University.  I wore myself out.  Jenna ran into one of her friends and made friends with another also majoring in theatre.  Layne will be gone by the time Jenna arrives – unless she chooses to go elsewhere.  Today she will be touring the Dixie State campus only ten minutes away from her brother’s house.

          Parent/Teacher conference had been scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.  We’d gone early on Monday and spent less than 20 minutes to see all five teachers.  She is an amazing student and no one has anything bad to say about her.

          Yesterday I was at the church for a few hours trying to organize our ministering routes.  I had left the house at 9:30 but did not return home until 1:30. Jenna and I took Bonnie for a walk and watched some shorts before we went outside to get in the car after Roland pulled up.  She didn’t get into Utah until after 3:00 am.  I was in bed before nine, I think. 

          Don’t know what the plans are for today or tomorrow.  Roland had suggested that we find a restaurant to eat for our Thanksgiving meal. Perhaps we will do that today instead.  Jenna will be spending it with at least one brother.  I don’t know if she will even be able to visit the other two. 

          Thus if any of these topics might interest you, be sure to tune in.  Hopefully, I will have elaborated more on each paragraph and posted by December 1st.  Happy Holidays, everyone!


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