
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Closest Fire - Too Close to the Road

                Yesterday was overcast when I went to the pool.   I prefer going there when the skies are grey with moisture and not sun that blinds.   We are all hoping that the overcast skies and humidity will help with the fire.                 The fire started near the 97 mile marker less than 10 miles south of where I live.   The news reports that it had been started by an illegal camp fire.   It is the closest fire we have ever had and yet the air quality has been better than any other summer . . . for us anyway.   The smoke is thick and black and horrible to the south.   The smoke has infected Glendale, Grants Pass and of course Medford (has there been a summer yet that smoke hasn’t invaded Medford?)   Reports say the smoke has made its way as far as Ashland.   Oh, my word . . . I didn’...

I Like Homonyms

I don't know what it is about homonyms that attracts me, but I have always loved them.  Homographs, homophones . . .  fascinating Whey is a protein that may be sold in powder form to stir into drinks.   Way in a sense is direction.   “Show me the way to get home?”   “Which way should I go?”   “Do you know the way to the store that carries whey?” You can also weigh yourself or other items on a scale. A boor is an unrefined, ill-mannered person.   A boar is a male pig.   Bore is a description meaning unexciting.   Bored is also from boredom.   A board has many meanings.   There are game boards, boards that are signs, boards that are slabs of wood, and used by students and teachers as in blackboards, smart boards, cork boards, etc. Martial arts are associated with judo and karate.   A marshal enforces the law Applying your foot to the brake is what stops the car.   Taking a b...

Dash # 21 About Mom

                                                                 Mom’s Doll Patsy                 Corey loved when mom would tell about her beloved doll Patsy.   I can’t remember how old she was or how long she had had Patsy for.   It was back in the days when dolls were made out of porcelain or similar material that breaks quite easily, and perhaps it was never meant to play with, but then why else would you give a small child a doll if it was intended to be played with.           Mom said that she and Patsy were roughly the same size.   She said she was going down the stairs and tripped.   She and Patsy both took a tumble, only my mom survived and Patsy didn’t.   She...

Once a Year

Once a year downtown parking is over flowing with cars More cars than I ever see in Myrtle Creek at any given time. Parked in streets and all around the park. People will walk two or three blocks even when it’s hot. Saturday is the day. The last Saturday in July. People come to watch crawlers, participate in sporting events and to walk around. The later it gets, the more cars and traffic. Fireworks start at 10:00. This year there were two lots reserved for the handicapped. Sunday morning is when the vendors remove their tents  followed  by a worship service.   I love this town!

The Third Week in July is Always the Hottest

I know there are millions of people who have worse heat this year than we have ever had in Oregon.   Even now, when I complain about the heat, we are not sweltering nor are having to go to the hospital due to the intense heat that many across the nation and throughout Europe are going through.   That saddens me that so many have to deal with the trauma.   I would personally have to deal with the aftermath of a hurricane or several feet of snow than to have to bear the heat that is so hot that eggs could be fried on the sidewalk. from  Fondos de Pantalla           Tri City is an unincorporated area that shares a zip with Myrtle Creek.   My personal belief for the name in addition to Myrtle Creek, Tri City somewhat borders Riddle and Canyonville.   Each of the three cities have a celebration in the summer.   Riddle’s Sawdust Jubilee is held in the last Saturday in June.   Canyonville holds...

On the Right Path

          When we lived in Kearns, there was a family in the ward that made up for a third of the primary.   I honestly don’t remember which of us moved out of the ward first, but I do know they have moved around many times – both within and out of the country.   I would guess that they’ve accounted for at least half to a third of their wards or branches (both geographical boundaries within the church – a branch is smaller in membership than a ward) in almost every place they live.    She has a blog which I have read every once in a while as she only posts once in a while.             Right now they are living in New York.   I would have not known that if my daughter-in-law, Carrie, hadn’t told me.   She and Randy had gone out to look for houses.   While there, they went to the ward in the area where they plan on living.   I’m happy to learn that ...

Our Latest Fruit Project

                A friend of ours had dropped off some plums.   Though I did not count them, I would guess there were 40 – 50 of them.   I put all of the ripe ones in a steamer in order to remove the skin. I don't know how many plums I steamed It was helpful for removing the pits as well I poured the plums into a colander in the sink returned skins and pits to the other colander on the stove           The recipe had called for diced plums, however the step was not needed as the plums had turned to liquid after they were skinned and pitted this was the product I kept I started out using utensils as the plums were really hot, but still managed to get my hands dirty of course I could take a picture of only one hand Roland freaked when he thought I had scratched my arms.  Apparently I got some plum on my skin and hopefully not the...

Dash #843 youth and TV

How do you believe the youth are affected by television?           For the most part I would say that television has a negative effect on children - depending on what they watch, I guess.  I think if they are learning educational facts or self-esteem, it can be good for them.  I think it is wrong for parents to rely upon the television as an electric baby-sitter just to keep children out of their hair.  I also think it's wrong for parents to allow children to watch something violent - perhaps not even of their choosing, but what may be on to entertain said parent.                 Michelle had given birth to Melody five months before I had Jenna.   Michelle had decided that Melody would not be allowed to watch TV and asked those who’d be watching Melody to honor her wishes.   I, on the other hand, engaged Jenna in watching children’s programs.   I lo...

Music Makes a Difference

CD from Peggy Bird           A month before Jenna was born, my former neighbor and second mother, Peggy had given us twelve children’s books and a CD. I had exposed Jenna to music early in life.   Before she was born I would put headphones around my stomach and let her listen to Classical Baby and primary songs.          As she got older, we would go to the library and check out CDs featuring Ronno, Bill Harley, Eric Herman and Patty Shukla.   We learned rhymes, rhythm, laughter and more.   Jenna was always singing – she’d sing songs we had learned and often she would just make up her own words and tunes.   Jenna has always been a happy girl.   She has always been confident.   scrapbook page of my sister and her husband with Jenna and Anna As I had mentioned in this post, we had listened to CDs that we played in her childhood. When she made the comment about Ronno’...