Made in Parowan
I used to work for a company that acted as a middle man between high end companies that would sell their product in bulk and ma and pa stores in which it was not practical to purchase items in bulk. Seems like a large number of our vendors were clothing stores in New York but every once in a while we would take on someone local. Not that Parowan, Utah is local to Salt Lake but is nearer than New York.
think there was a woman who created hats, perhaps baby clothes. I don’t even recall weather her product even
sold or not. This terry cloth towel/tote
bag was one of her creations. She had
sent this particular item as a sample.
thought it was awesome! A tote bag that
doubled as a towel. When winter came, I
purchased the sample and have used it many times. It’s a wonder I still have it and haven’t
worn it out. It’s been my pool companion
since we first moved to Oregon. I love
it. It holds my water shoes and extra
towels and extra clothes. What a neat
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