Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Sending out my prayers

                We passed a horrific accident returning home from the ward luncheon.  I don’t know how many people were involved or how many hurt.  I saw a stretcher out by a car in the ditch.  Ahead was a van all smashed up.  It had to have been going pretty fast to have been that smashed up – or perhaps it had been the other car that hit on the way to the ditch (I guess I don’t even know what direction the ditch car was facing)

            We had to slow down as we passed.  Tears formed in my eyes.  I don’t know what happened.  I would guess it could have been prevented.  I feel bad for the victims.  I hope things will be resolved and health will be restored.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

20 Things Party Lines

                Doris Day and Rock Hudson made a few movies together including “Send Me No Flowers” which I had mentioned in my last post and “Pillow Talk” which is the segue into the topic of this post. 20 Things From The 1960s, Kids Today Will Never Understand! #16 mentions the party line which is not something that took place in our home but I did know of neighbors who had party lines.  I don’t know why some neighbors had them and some didn’t.  “Pillow Talk” gave me the impression that it was more common than not and yet I really didn’t know that many people who had them.

          In “Pillow Talk” the solution worked out by the characters was to make or accept phone calls within a half hour time.  One could take the hour until half past while the other used the phone half past until the hour.  I don’t know that either of our neighbors had worked out anything.  I know my neighbors from across the street knew who they shared the party line with but the others did not.  They actually did not live that far apart and Peggy’s boys had paper routes in which their party line would receive newspapers.

          From what I understand Carlton’s (I don’t remember their actual names) would call to make complaints for whatever reason and Bird’s line was always busy – it was busy because they shared a party line.  Birds knew that was why the line was always busy.  I don’t know if Carlton’s ever figured that out.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Milk Men, Bottles & Boxes


Dave Willock played the part of a milk man in 1964’s “Send Me No Flowers”.  I’d forgotten the now obsolete profession.  I don’t remember the milk man but I do remember the milk box that lived outside our door for years. 

Once a week it was magically filled with four quarts of milk that we would take from box to fridge.  I remember having pulled out the heavy glass bottles and placing them in our fridge.  I think it had been delivered by Winder Dairy.


When we finished our milk we would return the empty milk drop container and they would be picked up when the next delivery was made.  I don’t know how old I was when we started picking up plastic jugs of milk because the four quarts were no longer enough.  Eventually the delivery stopped and the milk man was gone.


You can read more history at this site.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

20 things number 5


In the 20 Things From The 1960s, Kids Today Will Never Understand! YouTube video there was mention of a record player and the speeds features for various record players.  I remember the different speeds mentioned and the record sizes.  I also remember a 16 speed (not mentioned) but never saw a record for that speed.  I barely remember the 78,

33 and 78 records had holes in the middle to fit over the piece in the middle of the turn table. But the 45 speed or singles had a larger hole which required an adapter.   I remember having red plastic circles but did not use myself as someone had brilliantly invented an entire tube to fit over the stem and so the hold would fit in place over the tube.


I had created this post in 2015 and thought there was another that gave indication to my first phonograph and stereo.  Must have been a page I had created for a memory scrapbook. Perhaps an entry for another post?


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

20 Things Digitally Deleted


           This morning I watched a couple of “remembrance” videos found on YouTube starting with 20 Things From The 1960s, Kids Today Will Never Understand! found here. As I watched I smiled at some things I remembered and laughed at others.  Most I could remember first hand such as Sunday drives and record players.  There were only a couple that I either couldn’t remember or dared to try myself.  I do remember trying the pogo stick but only a try.  I never owned my own pogo stick.  I never gave myself the opportunity of perfecting it.

          I remember green stamps.  I remember having watched them dissolve – not that I was ever attached to them.  I was a kid.  I didn’t care about their existence or what could be purchased with them. 

          Though I have done “remembrance” and “evolution” posts before, I thought it would be fun to reminisce once more and reflect on some of the items mentioned in this and other videos.  I will start with #13 carbon paper.

        I remember using carbon paper and typewriter ribbon (#15) both equally messy leaving stains on the fingers and paper.  Carbon paper was often NOT a great quality for duplication as it was never as dark as the original - at least mine weren't.  Today's "copy" is a zillion times easier.  

        Digitalizing documents wiping out our past.  I watched two more videos that focused on products of the 19th turned to early 20th century.  Many I remember from historic sites but of course not from personal experience.  As I watched those I wondered if children from this century view the things I grew up with in the same way that I view the turn of the century described above.  I never thought of myself as seeing a "turn of the century" as I'm so focused at 19 becoming 20 but I have seen a "turn of the century" from 20th to 21st.  Retro to digital everything.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

One More and Five More

                I have only one dose left of the nasty mouth wash I will swish around after my next meal.  I have five pills left from what I told was a day’s worth of what I thought to be pain killers.  They are actually “knock-me-into-a-coma-so-I-forget-the-pain” pills.  I found that out one evening when I took the one pill at 5:00 p.m. instead of my usual 8:00 when I am ready to retire to bed anyway.

              I bet I could cut the remaining 5 pills in half and they would still be as effective.  I wish they were memory pills.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Hard Sleep Between 4:00 and 5:30 a.m.


               I fell asleep early.  I got up at 2:00 quite warm and

decided to take a shower.  I did not return to bed as I had

had six hours of sleep. I took my kindle into another room to

pass the time.  If I had thought about it I would have cleaned the

carpet in Richard’s office.  Of course I did not

think about it.  I returned to bed at 4:00.  Sometime between

4:00 a.m. and 5:30 I had a really hard sleep.  I know that I was

sleeping hard as I had another really bizarre dream with no

connections to anything. 

               I was driving down a road that leads to downtown Myrtle

Creek.  A deer zoomed in front of me.  I think I stopped hard to

let it pass.  And then I saw a woman slowly moseying down

the middle of the road.  She was wearing a coat and scarf – all in

loud colors.  As the deer passed the woman, I slowed down and

called out her name (turns out it was someone that I have

worked with at the library) and asked her if she would like a ride. 

Her destination turned out to be a lot closer than either one of us

had expected (downtown Myrtle Creek is NOT that big.  EVERYTHING is

within walking distance)

               I parked next door to the bank (which is not in the same

location that it was in the dream) in an area I have never seen in real life. 

It was called Moon something.  I think it was a bar or night club or

something.  I don’t even know why I parked.  I don’t even remember leaving

the car – and yet I found myself in another elaborate building – huge – like Las

Vegas huge.  NOTHING like that exists in Myrtle Creek.  Highly doubtful in all

of Douglas county.  Yet in the dream there it was. 

 Jaime took me on a tour of the facility.  She was an actress

performing in one of the rooms.  I recognized the background from photos she

had posted (not in real life but as part of the dream) .  I suddenly remembered the

woman I had dropped off at the bank – which magically connected to the

building I was in.  But

she was gone.  Well, yeah – I had been

there much longer than anticipated.  I forgot about my car.  Oh oh.

I returned to the place I had parked to find a large sign on

the back of my car (or some kind of car – much bigger than the one I was

initially driving)  and all the tires had been removed.  I was devastated.  How

in the heck was I going to explain that to Richard?  

I am leaving out so much detail. 

It was 5:45 when I returned to the front room scribbling down my

thoughts.  The notes don’t make any sense.  But

neither did the dream.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

What is Up with That?


            In my last post I mentioned a nasty mouthwash that the dentist gave me to rinse my mouth three times a day – I guess until it’s gone.  I am supposed to swish for 45 seconds and not eat or drink for 20-30 minutes after I spit.  It isn’t terrible swishing it in my mouth, but once I spit it does leave a horrible after taste – and then my teeth hurt.

          I have learned to take the pain killers before I swish.  I am glad I waited on the “one-day” dosage of pain killers.  Thus far I have taken three.  The mar above my lip and cheek that I posted five days ago has faded but I seem to have a small bruise close to my left chin.  (Well there's an grammatically incorrect sentence that Would hurt an English grade) What is up with that?  All the teeth that were extracted were on top.

          And my sinuses have been going crazy.  The dentist said that would happen but should slow down as the abscessed is now gone.  Or perhaps not completely and that is why I have to continue to swish.



Friday, April 5, 2024

More Soft Food and Mouth Wash

 My mom said that I had mumps on

one side of my mouth. 

I don’t remember.

I wonder if that is what my left cheek has

felt like since my dental incident on Tuesday. 


I picked up my prescriptions yesterday. 

One was for a nasty mouthwash that is to

get rid of whatever germs have built up. 

The other was for a pain killer that could send me

into a coma if I’m not careful. 

I am too scared to take it. 

And really, the pain is not as bad as I had predicted.


I was given only one day’s worth and so will

save it for a time when the pain is more severe. 

But I will also pray about my decision in the event that

my pain does get that bad.  And it doesn’t have to be

my face that is hurting. 

The outward appearance indicates that I am in

a lot more pain than I am.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

dental pain


I have always had a low pain threshold.  I have also been a drama queen exaggerating the results of my pain thus I didn’t always get the sympathy that I sought.  On Tuesday I had three teeth extracted from my mouth.  I was certain I would have to have surgery with at least one – being lost in the gum line and have to be removed in pieces.  That is how it was for my mom.  But then again that was over 60 years ago.  Technology has made things so much easier since then.

All three teeth were removed within half an hour.  I thought I would be in the dentist chair for at least two hours – or close to it anyway.  I don’t hurt nearly as much as I had expected.  In fact, it only hurts on one side – mostly in the cheek area on my left side.  In time the pain will go away and I will be back to eating solid foods. But as of right now it’s been mashed potatoes, pudding and Jell-o.  Fortunately I’m not all too hungry. 

Chewing solely with my front teeth has been a weird experience for me. Yesterday I slept half the day away.  I hope I push myself to be more productive today.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Laughing With Mother Nature

        I don’t know which Easter – two years ago I think – when I learned the resurrection rolls (some call them tomb rolls) from Emily Belle Freeman (In one of the Easter videos that she did with David Butler)  Neither David Butler nor I had ever heard of the disappearing marshmallow treat.  They souned good along with symbolic message and I tried them. 

          I vaguely remember explained the symbols as I held up the marshmallow and said that it would represent Jesus’ body and that we would symbolically prepare the body in oil (melted butter) and fine spices (cinnamon and sugar) and dress His body (the crescent roll or biscuit or whatever I happened to use) and when we opened the oven His body would no longer be inside.  I don’t know what recipe I used. 

          Yesterday I decided that I would surprise the other two as they slept, I would prepare the rolls so that they would be ready when Richard and Jaime arose.  They looked like small rolls going in, but quite disastrous coming out – more representations of the stone that had rolled away leaving several muddy trails.  I didn’t even think to take pictures of my step by step process.  When I decided I would blog about this, there was only one roll left.  And it actually does look appealing as a cookie.  But it is not a cookie but a deflated roll. 

          The results of my tomb rolls were not near as bad as the cold weather that was far from spring in air quality – though we have had signs of blossoms and new growth.  I admire the courage of the plants that have broken through despite the painful bites of the elements.  I  don’t remember such a cold Easter. Couldn’t tell that from today. 

Mother Nature’s April Fool’s joke.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

You are on Your Own - Though You Don't Have to be

                The year that the Church had come out with the “Come Follow Me” program is the same year that having three meetings at the church was cut back to two meetings and strongly suggested to continue study that third hour but at home with the family.  Richard’s calling kept him after church and so Jaime and I would come home and read the manual and watch videos together.  Read scriptures with discussion, but that tapered out.  We weren’t so diligent about studying together quite as often.

          I continued to study the manual and watch videos though not as diligently as this year or even in 2022 with the Doctrine and Covenants.  Good until summer hits and slowly have gotten back on track during fall – except for the Old Testament which I wasn’t so diligent about.  But I have gotten much better this year.  I try to study each week as though I will be giving the lesson.

          Sunday school is held every other week altering with Relief Society – which I have been a part of since September 2019.  There are some people who study the Sunday school lesson only for the weeks that Sunday school is held – but I do all weeks regardless of what week it is.

          I do remember one Sunday school instructor attempting to incorporate both weeks of reading.  That’s a lot of material for that short of time.  I think she handled it well, but I would choose to focus more on covering one or two things than attempting to touch on all of it.  Hopefully directed by the Spirit and not rely so much on myself.

          It was during the Old Testament that Richard had the calling of Sunday school president.  Whenever the adult Sunday school teacher couldn’t make it to the Sunday meeting, I was often asked to teach.  I would start with questions about last week’s lesson, this week’s lesson.  Provide a synopsis and ask the class what they learned or would like to go into more depth about.  It doesn’t seem as though I had any takers on one subject over another and so I would teach what resonated with me most – which was usually from the week prior. 

          During the months of April and October there is no Sunday School – not that I can remember anyway.  If we should have a 5th Sunday during the month we might have a Sunday school lesson. But not tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Easter and we have only one meeting.

In the past we have always had stake conference two weeks after general conference.  Only this year our stake conference was last week and general conference is next week.  We will be having Sunday school on April 21.  But for the alternating Sundays and those missed due to conference (and now Easter) we have only ourselves to rely on to finish up 2nd Nephi and to study all seven chapters of Jacob.  I am so grateful to those who share their wisdom through all forms of media that I may study with them.

I am thoroughly grateful for the Come Follow Me program, the messages of stake conference and the opportunity of hearing His words through his servants next week.  How grateful I am for all my Savior has done for all of us.

I am now going to watch Saturday Night Seder here which I have made a tradition since 2020 (so grateful it is still on the air)