
Showing posts from January, 2019

Last Day of January

        I finally finished the assignment I started research on Monday. It was supposed to be at least 800 words.  I had 810 to transfer to APA (that stands for American  Psychological  Association - common for formatting essays for colleges and often more importantly viewed by the instructor than the content) and had changed some of the wording as I was proof-reading and making certain I had and was able to add a few more words which total up to 856 - which is good, considering at least 40 of those words are really reference name and date.       I have one problem with four parts to finish up for my assessment.  It is very time consuming and only worth 50 points.  I think it should be worth more for all the time I have to pour into it.


          I remember when I was on my mission, and even now, we were (or are) told to stay clear of using abbreviations  or initials to describe something that unless you are a member of the Church and are already familiar with the lingo, most non-members are not going to get that RS stands for Relief Society, YW stands for young women, etc.                      I know I have been guilty of this in my blog - abbreviating.  Occasionally I do try to explain myself or refer to sites that will.  Back then (on my mission) the top initials used were D&C meaning Doctrine and Covenants (which is not what the majority of the population will think D&C means;  even many active church members I had met would first think of Dilation and curettage ) and GA for General Authority.        ...

Take a Breath When You're Upset

Good Advice.   If something is bugging you,  don't yell or scream.   Leave the house,  office,  space,  whatever.   Take a walk.   Clear your head.   Take a breath.

I was able to shed Rabbit!!!

        On July 27, 2012 I had created this post comparing my husband, his children and I to the personalities of the 100 acre wood and had dubbed myself as Rabbit because he is always so uptight.   He may have mellowed a bit from Walt Disney's animation to computerized animation used in the 2018 movie "Christopher Robin".   But as the focus was not about Rabbit but only made a brief appearance along with Owl, Kanga and Roo, it's hard to say.           I, on the other hand, am a lot more mellow.   I haven't been uptight since moving to Oregon.   I feel free.   I don't feel trapped.   The wonders of breathing clean air.   I'm not as organized as Rabbit - though I would like to be. I still don't care for gardening - though I do eating produce fresh from the garden.   We failed at having a garden in 2018, but should be back on track this year.     ...

Dash #786 Jenna's Beloved Dog

This is Ernie in the middle.   I purchased him when I had worked for Snelgroves ice cream store in Salt Lake City.   He has a music box inside of him.   When wound up, he will play the tune "Teddy Bear's Picnic".   I brought Ernie into my marriage.   I think he sat on a shelf until after Jenna was born.   I would play the song for her.   She loved putting her hand on Ernie's belly when the music played.   She loved feeling the music play. This is how Hi-Five may have appeared at one time. strange name, I know.   I will explain how we got his name, but first allow me to back up to the day when Hi-Five joined our family.   Jenna and I had been visiting with Aunt Gertrude who often purchased items just because they were on sale.   It was rare that any family member would ever visit   and not be offered to walk away with some material object be it a sweatshirt, stuffed animal, collectible  doll or rocks (...

Routine in Education

                It is so hard trying to get back into the swing of school assignments etc. after a holiday weekend or vacation.   For the last three years I have had classes at the end of the year for two weeks before the winter vacation (or Christmas) and am expected to finish the next two week after the New Year.   I'm certain it's equally hard on the instructors.   Perhaps even more so.                 So on MLK day, I was to start a new class (my last accounting class folks.   I had miscalculated before and thought this would be two more.   But I was wrong.   Hallelujah!).   Didn't do much for it on Monday as we had invited a few friends over to eat pizza and play games. The lectures don't happen until Tuesday at 6:00 MST and so I decided I would just wait before posting to my discussion. ...

Dash #632

Would you rather give a talk in church or bungee jump?             I don't know if I have ever had the desire to go bungee jumping.   I remember when my brother, Patrick, did it.   I can't remember if I thought I would like to do it also.   Probably not.             I remember when Patrick made the jump, he did it backwards. He said it was easier if he wasn't watching himself fall.   Even if I did have the desire to do it then, I definitely don't right now.   I doubt I'd be relaxed and would probably break my neck when the rubber band yanked me back to where I had fallen from             I think it's funny that the above question compares the thrill of bungee jumping to giving talks in church.   Some people find that both are terrifying.   I rather enjoy giving talks and d...

I Have Anosmia - Two Scientific Word Definitions

        Ageusia is the loss of taste functions of the tongue, particularly the inability to detect sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness. This disorder can be triggered by many factors such as nerve damage or vitamin deficiency. Ageusia is sometimes confused with anosmia – a loss of the sense of smell.*         My sense of smell has become dulled over the years - I would guess due to allergies.   My mom's sense of smell had been dulled as both of her parents were smokers.   I would rather lose my sense of smell to allergies than an example I learned about quite recently.         One of the science instructors in the school district was telling about a classmate she had gone to school with.   He was a jock that wanted to prove his "macho-ness" by smelling an acid - a very foolish move on his part, for when he inhaled, the acid burned the insides...

Froot Loops and Pacifiers

                On Sunday Danny had set up the Monitor so that our Valiant class could watch "No Ordinary Shepard" here .    She passed out Bingo cards and Froot Loops to use as markers.   There were various pictures or words representing shepherds, sheep, the baby Jesus, prayer, love, peace, etc.   that would be mentioned in the video.   All that we had to do was listen and watch in order to mark.             I smile whenever I see Froot Loops as I think to a time when I was watching my niece who would sometimes be rewarded with Cheerios.   For those of my readers who may not know,   Cheerios is like a staple of LDS parents with tykes.   The Cheerios are mostly for keeping the little ones quiet during the meetings.   Sometimes it works, but not always.        ...

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr.

          Martin Luther King was born on January 15, but as with so many Federal holidays, his birthday or MLK day is celebrated on the third Monday in January.    The first year for this nationwide holiday was on January 20, 1986.   I happened to be on my mission at the time, but I do remember receiving a letter from my mother that the holiday had been created after quite an ordeal here .             Whenever I think of MLK day, I think of my sister, Kayla, who (according to mom) was ecstatic about having the day off from school as it was her birthday.   Mom said Kayla felt that the holiday was designed especially for her.   Funny.    My niece, Ellen, thought it was for "milk" day and will celebrate MLK with dairy products here .            MLK was designed as a day to promote equal righ...

My Baby Girl

                I can remember my mom taking pictures - many pictures.   She wasn't much of a photographer.   But she did her best to preserve memories by taking photos.   Patrick, my cousin Michelle, me and my cousin, Ross Corey with Grandpa Ralph many of mom's photos make it seem like the background was her focus The painting (or at least parts of it) above has made it to several photographs brother Patrick, me, Corey's head, Great Grandma, dad  behind her, great aunt who recently past holding Kayla Kayla and Corey at Butchart Gardens, Victoria, Canada. We do not know the people in the background. I must have picked that up from her and added to it - so I would take pictures of material things as well as people.   Patrick with his oldest two Ellen and Kimball I love this picture of Biff reading to Jenna when Jenna was...