Dash #786 Jenna's Beloved Dog

This is Ernie in the middle. 

I purchased him when I had worked for Snelgroves ice cream store in Salt Lake City.  He has a music box inside of him.  When wound up, he will play the tune "Teddy Bear's Picnic".  I brought Ernie into my marriage.  I think he sat on a shelf until after Jenna was born.  I would play the song for her.  She loved putting her hand on Ernie's belly when the music played.  She loved feeling the music play.

This is how Hi-Five may have appeared at one time.

strange name, I know.  I will explain how we got his name, but first allow me to back up to the day when Hi-Five joined our family.  Jenna and I had been visiting with Aunt Gertrude who often purchased items just because they were on sale.  It was rare that any family member would ever visit  and not be offered to walk away with some material object be it a sweatshirt, stuffed animal, collectible doll or rocks (see this post

We had Ernie with us, and Aunt Trudy went and got Hi-Five because she thought they both had cute faces and Ernie's face had reminded her of Hi-Five - although we hadn't picked out a name for him until much later. 

Aunt Trudy wanted Jenna to have the dog.  He had a lot more fluff at that time.  Often it was hard to see his eyes because of the fluff.  At first, Jenna didn't want anything to do with it.

This is what Jenna was wearing
the day she received Hi-Five

It was several months before she warmed up to him and then couldn't bear to live without him.  Hi-Five went EVERWHERE that she went.

Hi-Five wasn't given his name until after Jenna had learned to walk.  She has always been smart and would retrieve things from her bedroom if we mentioned them - or else she would lead me to what she couldn't retrieve (like the growth chart on her door)

I had taught her how to give a high five sign

and one day I said to her,  "Give me a high five!"

She disappeared without attempting to slap my hand. When she returned, she was carrying her beloved dog that Aunt Gertrude had given her.  She gave it to me.

"Oh, is 'High Five" the name of your dog?"

She said a few words at the time, but was really not much of a talker then.  But with a few more questions, I decided that she was in favor of calling the dog Hi-Five.  I am the one who chose the spelling.

Jenna loved that thing ragged.  I made sure it stayed clean, but it didn't always look it.  Aunt Trudy tried replacing him with another stuffed dog whom Jenna's oldest sister, Francine,  had named Graham Crackers because of his color.  Jenna called him "Crackers".  She dragged both Hi-Five and Crackers with her for a while, but did not ever love Crackers (or any other stuffed animal) as much as she loved Hi-Five.

Crackers came with a kerchief around his neck

I would allow her to take it into most stores that we would go to - except for second hand stores though many might have rejected him if he had ever been mistakenly donated.  I tried to cover up his mishaps with clothes. 

I even gave him a haircut and told Jenna that his fur would not be growing back.

You know how some mothers have to wean their children from favorite blankets? I was determined not to have that problem and had given Jenna a different blanket every day - sometimes several times during the day.  It never dawned on me that a stuffed animal would become her "security blanket"  and I don't know why.  He was never soft in my opinion.  Over the years he felt more coarse.  I would have thought he would feel scratchy to Jenna, but she really did love it very much.  Maybe even more than balls or rocks.  We had reached a point where she just couldn't sleep without him.
When we moved from Kearns to West Valley, Hi-Five ended up living in the shed.  I told Jenna he could not live in her room unless she took care of it.  He moved with us to Oregon.  Currently he resided in Jenna's room. Throughout the years, he has gotten more shabby.  He's been restuffed twice.  Roland had even purchased a heart to go inside along with the stuffing the last time.  As I told Jenna, his hair did not grow back. 

Hi-Five today January 2019


  1. Just like BJ and his caterpillars. The very first one he got, he didn't grow an attachment to until much later after he got it and that is the one he still loves the best. They're still known as caterpillar, other caterpillar, and rainbow caterpillar. And then there's baby caterpillar. I think he did change their names at one point but that didn't last long.

  2. Hello, Would you happen to have any additional information on Ernie. I used to have one just like him when I was little and have been trying to locate one but unsure of what details to search. Brand, year, and any additional pictures would be so helpful. Many thanks, Danielle

    1. you could send me your email address - I will not publish it. I can take more photos or even just mail the bear to you if you would like. But I will need more information.

  3. I do wish I had more information for you Danielle, but sadly I do not. I know he was purchased at an ice cream store but I don't know what year was. Late '80s would my guess. Have you tried Build-a-Bear workshop?


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