I would rather lose power than running water

            I recall a time when we were living in West Valley and the water pipes in the neighborhood had burst.  There were at least five of them shooting geysers.  This problem took the water company well over 24 hours to repair.  I don’t recall what time I noticed the geysers sprouting in various locations.  It must have been during the summer months when the sun sets later as it was still light enough to drive but late enough that I would be getting ready for bed within a few hours.  I don’t imagine it was a great night for Granger-Hunter as they had set up crews at each geyser and worked throughout the night and into the next morning using artificial light to help them see.

            Roland had purchased a 50-gallon water tank several years before.  We had emptied it in Kearns so we could take it with us to West Valley.  We filled it back up – fortunately – and Roland took it as an opportunity to explain to Jenna the value of having it.  He showed her how to remove the water.  We did have drinking water in the refrigerator and used the water from the barrel to wash our hands and add to the tanks over the toilet bowls after we had flushed. We were still conservative using the logic: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow.  If it’s brown, flush it down.”  I don’t know how many gallons we ended up using.  Probably 5 – 10 as we were asleep for much of the time our water had been shut off.

            Even before that experience, I was sure that I would rather be without power than running water.  With our most recent experience the was frigid like river water as we had used up our hot water source – but still.  We could flush the toilets and I have been truly grateful for that.  Losing power can have its perks.  Losing running water does not.

            Jenna had placed a cup on the table that remained there during the power outage.  This is a picture of what the cup does when you feel it with a cold beverage - only it turned that color without actually having a beverage inside.

Our house was cold for the most part.  Our source of heat had started out in only one room.  Roland had managed to get heat in our room the last night we didn't have power - but even then, we had the window open wide enough for the cords to fit through.  It was warmer than it had been but still cold.  But I don't think so cold that the cup would have turned orange.

            Though it remained cold outside and Roland is not a big fan of the cold, I think we both agreed that we would rather deal with the power going out during the cold months than during the months of heat, sweat, and flies.  I do much better in the cold.  I keep better.  My left hand was so close to being healed and hadn't itched at all during the power outage.  Now that the power has returned, my hand feels raw again.


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