Thursday Trip to Roseburg

          As mentioned in prior posts – to get from point A to point B in Salt Lake city did not require the same route.  In fact, there were several options – unlike Douglas County where the option has been “Go this one way” or “Don’t go at all.”  Pre-pandemic an alternate route to Dillard had been pointed out to me.  On Thursday I decided I would take said route when I volunteered to drive to Roseburg to pick up some dry cleaning for Roland.  Of course I took Jenna with me.   I took the long scenic route to Roseburg.

          So the red line indicates Main Street.  At the end of Main Street there is the option of veering to the left or veering to the right.  The left (marked in dark red-brown) crosses the bridge over South Umpqua River.  Your choices beyond the bridge are a parking lot overlooking the river, or getting on the 108 ramp that will lead to either Roseburg or Grants Pass. 


                  I have personally never driven the road on the right – the one marked with pink – the one that leads to NE Dole Road.  The next three shots I have used the snip tool for this site.  This is the scenic view.  This is the long way around.  This is less traveled.  I cannot even visualize Roland taking this route. 

 Here is the view of the bridge (same as what's marked in red-brown above) and Dole Road (marked in pink) which is what I drove on Thursday.

It is awesome to have multiple views of the same river.

          Jenna and I walked along these railroad tracks in this post.

We stayed on Dole Road until we got to Dillard 

We remained on Highway 99 through Winston

And continued back side to downtown Roseburg (which I have driven once before using exit 120)

I chose to come in on Stephens so that I could be on that side of the street when I made a left hand turn onto Garden Valley Blvd. The only left hand turn I had made during the entire drive was the one from Stephens to Garden Valley.

The cleaners in located between the Jack-in-the-Box and Walnut Street (though access to Walnut is on the the opposite side of the cleaners).  I could not make a turn into said area from Garden Valley Blvd. if I had taken exit 124.

After we retrieved the items from the cleaners, we continued onto Garden Valley Blvd and came home by way of I5 starting at entrance ramp 124.  

 Thus coming home was quicker than going to Roseburg.  I think it was worth our time. I was especially excited that I had only had to turn four times during my trip and that only one was a left-hand turn.


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