Where is LaTiesha?

 It’s only been five days since my last post and I have had ideas – even disconnected paragraphs. Problem right now (a very personal thing) is time management – which I used to be good at – but I’ve let myself slide – along with my memory which, by the way, is horrid.

  I was supposed to pick someone up on Sunday.  I had even called her on Saturday night to give her a time.  A reminder went off that morning.  Two hours later I was in the car and then the church without her. 

 I guess that wasn’t as bad as picking up Bonnie after Jenna walked her to the theatre.  Jenna also gave me a bag of poop as she didn’t know where to dispose of it.  Not cool.  But okay. 

It wasn’t okay.  I forgot about it.  Of course I can’t smell.  But Roland can.  He has a hyper sensitive nose. Apparently he spoke harshly at Jenna and told her not to assign me responsibilities because I don’t remember things.  Finally.  He admits that my memory is slipping. But then again so is his - to a degree.

Our goal right now is to tidy up the house a bit as we have guests coming.  They will feel cramped, I’m sure.  We all will.  I predict it will be an exhausting vacation - for them at least.  We have already reserved a van to pick them up from the airport and drive ourselves around in just one vehicle instead of two. 

We don’t know all where we will be going or how long we will spend in each area. We had wanted one of our stops to be The Enchanted Forest (here) – but they seemed to have problems recovering from snowmageddon back in February 2019 (here and here) 

COVID didn’t help matters and it sounds like Tofte family (here) has been satisfied with their forty plus years and are ready to retire the place (at least that is how I read) and haven’t given a specific on when (if) they’ll be reopening – and yet their facebook page seems to indicate that they are hiring for the season.  So I don’t know if that will be on our agenda.

Anyway, I will be spending time with them after they arrive and so may not be posting again until the second week in June.  Just a heads up for those that may be following my blog.


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